Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Jerry Sheridan
Bureau of Internal Oversight
Traffic Stop Annual Reports
2014-2015 Data Audit
Traffic Stop Quarterly Reports
As a result of the Traffic Stop Annual Report (TSAR), the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) has implemented a Constitutional Policing Plan (CPP) with input from the Community Advisory Board (CAB). The CPP was developed to remediate potential systemic problems in our patrol function involving bias, whether implicit or otherwise. The Constitutional Policing Plan consists of nine goals listed below:
Goal 1: Implementing an effective Early Intervention System (EIS) with supervisor discussions.
Goal 2: Evaluating supervisors’ performances through an effective Employee Performance Appraisal process.
Goal 3: Delivering enhanced implicit bias training.
Goal 4: Enhanced fair and impartial decision-making training.
Goal 5: Delivering enhanced training on cultural competency and community perspectives on policing.
Goal 6: Improving traffic stop data collection and analysis.
Goal 7: Encouraging and commending employees’ performance and service to the community.
Goal 8: Studying the Peer Intervention Program.
Goal 9: Building a workforce that provides constitutional and community-oriented policing and reflects the community we serve.
MCSO’s Training Division, Bureau of Internal Oversight (BIO), and Human Resources Bureau (HR) work jointly to ensure the plan is effective. As the CPP continues to evolve and goals achieved through implementation, the MCSO’s aim is to address racial bias in our patrol function, where it exists. Sheriff Penzone is dedicated to constitutional policing and rebuilding community trust. We will remain diligent, continue to develop our internal oversight, accountability and consequences to properly address and root out any behaviors in conflict with our commitment to ethical, constitutional policing.